Information Technology has become the lifeline of modern world. We are now living in a global village largely because of this technology. All organizations, big or small, have either been already computerized or making hurried efforts to fully computerize themselves. Computer with Internet is now a household appliance.
The firms that deal in computer hardware and software are among the richest in the world. The job market in computer related work has been fast expanding.
In Pakistan, tremendous efforts are being made, both in the public as well as in private sectors, to expedite the Computer Information Technology revolution.
The scheme of studies includes general introduction to computer hardware, software and their applications in daily life. Emphasis is given to the development of software techniques both in procedural and non-procedural languages & tools including Web Designing, data communication & networking, webpage designing, PC Configuration & its Applications etc.
A lot of job opportunities in the field of information technology, and opportunities will keep on expanding in a big way in future as well.